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City Health Benefits Program
Open-Enrollment Reminder

The City’s Health Benefits Program annual Fall Transfer Period (“Open-Enrollment”) takes place from October 11, 2016 to November 11, 2016 for active police officers and during the whole month of November 2016 for retired police officers (retiree open enrollment occurs every other year in even numbered years). During the Open-Enrollment period, members are able to change plans, add or drop a rider, add a dependent and make other changes, which are not normally permitted during the year.

Changes made during this year’s Open-Enrollment period will become effective in January 2017.

If you have any questions about the City’s current Buy-Out Waiver Program, please visit the NYC Office of Labor Relations website at, and refer to the Health Benefits Program section.

You can also call Active Enrollment at 646‐610‐5122 (for active police officers) or the Office of Labor Relations Health Benefits Program at (212) 513-0470 (for retirees).